
Sunday, August 25, 2024

Dirty Pair (1985) Retrospective - Episode 22: We Did It! 463 People Reappear (Part 2 of 2)

This is the second part of a two parter.

The girls inform Eddie of the incident and the new message. The kidnappers also requested a specific file called File-E, for unknown reasons. Arthur keeps repeating that the message is fake and confesses that he is the culprit, surprising his parents. Arthur found out about his parents divorce and wanted his parents to work together to heal their relationship. He also tells them there was no kidnapping, the passengers from flight 807 are actually in flight 808, which was heading to Ocean Rib. All the kid did was swap the passenger´s list and use his computing skills to cover the rest with the aid of a captain named Crocker.  

There´s another problem, flight 808 has gone missing as well. What a complication. Eddie then explains that a previous case involving smugglers might have connection with the kidnapping, the criminal´s retinal patterns are in File-E, making it an important possession. The suspects are Captain Crocker and his co-pilot Stablos. Crocker is somewhat close to Arthur and his family, so that would explain why criminals would be aware of the incident and take advantage of it. Arthur blames himself and runs away as he committed what he thought was a fake kidnapping but this only gave Crocker the tools he needed to commit the crime for real.  

Kei wants to follow through with the mission with her usual optimism while Yuri goes after Arthur. While Yuri and Arthur handle the investigation Kei and Shannon look for the flight, arriving at a scrap yard but they don't find anything. Eddie gets a new transmission from the kidnappers, who tell him to take a ship to a certain location to meet with them. Before the girls can go and look for the missing Eddie, Yuri gifts Arthur a robot similar to Nanmo and assists him in finding out the location of his father. 

The missing flight is in the previously seen scrap yard, just hidden. Eddie arrives at the place the criminals told him to but is ambushed by the bad guys, Shannon and Kei arrive just in time to save him, facing their foes soon after. Yuri and Arthur go to the scrap yard to locate the flight. 

Crocker claims that there's a bomb in the flight but Yuri defuses it before he can do anything. Kei also bought time telling the villains she needs to put on makeup before she dies. This is the weird kind of silliness that Dirty Pair often added and that made the show very distinct. Yuri then comes in and saves them with the help of Mughi. 

The Angels then chase after Crocker, but Eddie needs him alive because he's a key witness. Crocker then goes after them driving a futuristic bulldozer, only to be stopped by Yuri with crushing machinery.

The criminals are arrested, the family is reunited and the case is solved. Kei and Yuri visit the couple right before beginning their vacation. In their report, the girls omitted Arthur to leave him free and clean of his desperate actions.  

Maybe they learned from previous somewhat underdeveloped episodes and decided to give more time to the story to breathe and to develop without cramming most of it into a 22 minute block, not that the previous episodes were bad but you could tell they could have benefited from more time. The progression of the mystery feels more natural and unravels at a perfect pace that's constantly moving yet it doesn't feel rushed. This is a very serviceable and a bit emotional addition even if it could have used a little more action here and there.

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