Yet another Double Dragon girl. A movie with surprisingly many female heavy hitters in its cast but it's such a messy story it almost never matters much as they don't focus too much on any of them. Either way I have to squeeze out all kinds of material from it that I can.
Satori delivering exposition. |
This time we have Satori (played by Julia Nickson), the legal tutor or guardian of the main two brothers. She lives with them and often takes them to tournaments and helps them to train. She is a martial artist herself and managed to get a few fight scenes in the movie.
She beats up the bad guy early on. |
I was actually quite surprised when I found out she was like a mother figure for the boys, as she looks very young and the way she's treated in some scenes made me think she was either a sister, a friend or even a girlfriend of one of the brothers but never a parent.
Being in the back seat doesnt convey the "parental figure" idea. |
She beats up the main bad guy, Koga, once he comes to steal the second half of the medallion. She also defeats Abobo for the first time and gets possessed by Kogan. Soon enough, she ends up dying in a fire caused by the villains, this gives the brothers more motivation to defeat the evil millionaire and save the day. Kind of a bad scene that just feels forced and unimpactful but even if she's only in the first act of the movie, Satori deserves a post about her.
She even gets a hit on Linda. |
Satori's final moments. |
See her scenes here:
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